Our good pal, Jaykblu, sent over his unboxing for the May version of Lunartik‘s Year of the Tea release. We think this is our favourite of the five released so far. Street Licker.
You can watch Jaykblu unbox his Lunartik Street Licker Mini Tea below:
Street Licker is a sweet lickin’ homage to Lunartik’s Big Licker – using Lunartik’s favourite colour scheme from the 80’s.
![street licker](http://i2.wp.com/thetoychronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/IMG_6646.jpg?resize=1240%2C930)
Year of the Tea is the 10th Anniversary release from Lunartik. Each month Lunartik will release a mini Tea in celebration of 10 years in the business.